Not much excitement in my neck of the woods today. We were late for Sunday school, like always, and worked in the nursery during worship service. Then we all hung out around the house and napped like we always do on Sundays. It was wonderful. I watched "Baby Mama" with Tina Fey in it, and it was hilarious. I dozed on and off on the couch with my precious baby boy on my chest. We've all been battling a little bit of a stomach bug. Gross, and no fun. Especially with four people and one bathroom! Anyway, we've made it. Tomorrow is LaniBug's field trip to the apple orchard and the pumpkin farm. I am so excited. I know her class will have a blast, and I'm just glad that I get to be a part of it.
Since I did very little of anything today, I did edit this picture that I took of E-man today. I thought it was pretty cute. He was 10 weeks old Thursday, and the days, weeks, and months have zoomed right on by. Seems like just the other day that I was pregnant (thank God I'm not anymore!!)
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